Leila M. El-Hakam
- Attorney at Law
Practice Areas
- Commercial Litigation
- Personal Injury Litigation
- Appellate Law
Ms. El-Hakam's principal areas of practice are commercial litigation, personal injury litigation, employment litigation and appellate law. She represents clients in a wide variety of disputes, including breaches of contracts, business torts, consumer disputes, product liability and warranty issues, trade secret infringement, oil and gas litigation and class actions. She has also represented clients in personal injury cases, including wrongful death, medical malpractice and product liability claims.
Prior to joining the firm, Ms. El-Hakam was previously an attorney at Ogden, Gibson, Broocks & Longoria, LLP (2008-2010), and an associate at Vinson & Elkins LLP in the Dallas and Houston offices (1999-2008). Ms. El-Hakam served as a Briefing Attorney to the Honorable Nathan L. Hecht on the Supreme Court of Texas in 1998-1999.
Ms. El-Hakam has been recognized as a "Texas Rising Star" by Texas Monthly magazine for 2004-2007 and 2010. Ms. El-Hakam has been elected to membership in the Fellows of the Texas Bar Foundation.
BAR Admissions: Texas, 1998; U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas
Professional Associations: State Bar of Texas, Houston Bar Association, Fellows of the Texas Bar Foundation
Author & Presenter: Business Litigation: Theories, Claims, Causes of Action, Texas College for Judicial Studies, Austin, Texas (co-authored and co-presented) (April 2004); Negligence, Texas College for Judicial Studies, Austin, Texas (co-authored) (May 2005); Note, Texas’ Application of the Covenants Not to Compete Among Law Partners: A Comment on Whiteside v. Griffis & Griffis, 16 Rev. Litig. 439 (Spring 1997)
- The University of Texas School of Law, Austin, Texas
- J.D. – 1998
- Honors: Order of the Coif
- Honors: With Honors
- Honors: Chief Justice Joe R. Greenhill Endowed Presidential Scholarship in Law
- Law Journals: The Review of Litigation, Chair of Conflicts of Law Symposium, Notes Editor Texas Journal of Business Law
- University of Texas
- M.B.A. – 1998
- University of Texas
- B.B.A. in Finance with high honors – 1994
Past Positions
- Vinson & Elkins, LLP, Associate Attorney; 1999-2008, Associate
- Ogden, Gibson, Broocks & Longoria, LLP, Associate Attorney, 2008 to 2010
- Honorable Nathan L. Hecht on the Supreme Court of Texas, Briefing Attorney, 1998 to 1999